To schedule an appointment, call or text 314-422-3308
To schedule an appointment, call or text 314-422-3308
Linked resources available from this website are independently composed by sources outside Atlas Counseling Group, LLC. Atlas Counseling Group, LLC, is not responsible for any content contained on those links. Any link to an outside resource does not indicate endorsement of that resource, and does not necessarily reflect the policies, opinions, or practices of Atlas Counseling Group, LLC.
Below are additional community resources that maybe helpful to your and your family.
Housing and Shelter
Youth In Need
Emergency sheltering and transitional living for adolescents.
St. Louis County Youth Connection Helpline at 314-628-2929.
St. Charles County Youth Connection Helpline at 636-642-0642.
Youth In Need's 24-Hour Help Line at 636-946-3771
ALIVE (Alternatives to Living in Violent Environments)
Temporary emergency sanctuary and transportation to victims of domestic violence.
Main Line: 314-993-7080
24-hour Crisis Hotline: 314-993-2777
St. Louis Housing Authority
Federally funded agency dedicated to providing low to moderately priced housing in St. Louis City.
Main Line: 314-531-4770
Child Care
Crisis Nursery St. Louis
Short-term care for children in need of a supporting and nurturing environment.
24-Hour Helpline: 314-768-3201
Utility Assistance
Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis - Utility Assistance
Devoted to reconnection and prevention of disconnection of household utilities including electricity, gas, and water.
St. Louis City Division: 314-615-3654
St. Louis County Division: 314-388-9840
St. Clair County Division: 618-274-1150
Energy Care
Provides information about heating and cooling bill assistance programs, and identify vulnerable people who need immediate relief, specifically low-income, homebound people most at risk from illness, hospitalization, or death from summer heat or winter cold.
Main Line: 314-773-5900
Food and Nutrition
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services - Summer Food Service
Location of Summer Food Service sites in Missouri.
St. Louis Area Food Bank - Food Finder
Location of food banks searchable by your location.
Main Line: 314-292-6262
Support and resources for LGBTQ+ youth and adults in Missouri.
Assistance for independent living, home accessibility, advocacy, and education.
Drug and Alcohol Services
Addiction Resources